This is a sad day, my browser did not even recognize my blog address when I came to sign on, that's how long it's been. Okay, let's get some life back in the blog!
I've had a great few months since last posting, with lots of shooting. I've done a wedding, 2 engagement sessions, had a week at summer camp, a week in Iowa, Drumline Camp, Band Camp, concerts, a trip to El Salvador and some very fun Christmas concert series at TMC.
Well, here are a few from the most recent shoot, the wedding of my friends Tim and Gina Dunham. Tim and I grew up together in San Bernardino when we were much younger, and it has been a blast to reconnect with him over the past year. His beautiful bride, Gina, is an absolute steal and a stunning blonde, as you'll see below. Their wedding was at the Cabrillo State Beach House, a classic building right on the beach in San Pedro.
The floral arrangements and centerpieces were so creative and masterfully done.
Each table had a large glass cylinder filled with the flowers, a waterproof light and water.

Here's the guys, very studly. You should see Tim's 6-pac.

Gina MADE her! She works as a fashion designer for Vans
and special ordered the fabric from a specialty mill in China. Here she is
putting the last minute touches on it with the iron.

Loved the shoes. They went perfectly with the dress.

Ta-Da! See, I told you....

Yum. That's all I have to say.

These are some of my students from Valley Christian.
They performed beautifully before and after the service.
Too bad they're all seniors, I'm going to miss them next year!

There were so many sweet moments of affection throughout the day.

I Do

Gina's dad both walked her down the aisle, with her mom,
and performed part of the ceremony.

The wedding location shouted beauty.

Wedding party...

These are some of my new favorite bridal portraits.
Her dress is absolutely gorgeous...or maybe that's just her.

Tim: "O yeah..."

After we lost the last light we headed inside to the reception.
Tim and Gina had prepared an elegant tango which they performed
with graceful precision. It wasn't an up-tempo, high energy dance, but
the attention to detail and form made it beautiful and impressive.

Cake time!

And I won't show you how he got that... ;)

To everyone else, thanks for stopping by, especially since you weren't likely to see anything! I am looking forward to posting some more of what's been going on soon.