So Steve and I headed out to Long Beach to do some evening shooting last Saturday, April5.
We were headed to 2nd Street, but got derailed by a nice sunset along the way.

The Sunset was nice, and the boats always look so cool. Probably because they're in the water, and it is a little less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit in there.

I wonder how much these things cost. Maybe I could live in one....

California Sunset, ahhh....

Now this looks like fun!

They got some bign's

Canine Facilities

So we finally made it down to 2nd street, and boy was it ever a cool place. There were lots of nice dogs, people, cool bikes, cozy shops and friendly faces. This was a beautiful Yellow Lab, very friendly dog. I wonder if this Dog's been to the last picture?

A Cool ride, several were spotted during the evening.

Here's an even cooler ride...

I think they stole this dog from the commercial...

We ran into some friends of Steve's from SeaCoast Grace. I would say that I won't post their names due to internet privacy laws, but I just forgot them (hope they don't read this!)


So many cool details on 2nd street.

Steve and I have a ton of fun shooting together

These were some of the coolest Dogs of the night.

And some bad to the bone bikes

This guy got really antsy when we took his picture, even though we gave him a dollar. He thought we were with the government or something. I think he had something to hide. =)

Just missing the firetruck...

We had dinner at La Creperie, an excellent recommendation from Steve's friends.

The Crepes were very good, and very interesting. This one had chicken, bacon, several cheeses, olive oil and several delicious seasonings....all for $10!

The live music was great as well.

Here's the kitchen, making the Crepes

Then We had some fun playing with light.