Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wedding Time!!!

Okay, So my sister got married this last weekend!  It was so much fun, and they are incredibly happy.  I have so much to share about it, but this is all I have for now.  Here is the first shot from the wedding that I've posted.  There will be many more!  Also, this is the first photoshop-ing I've ever done.  I just installed the program an hour ago.  Thanks Brienne for all your help!!  Now I most certainly won't be getting any sleep, I'm too excited!


Brienne Michelle said...

You're welcome! Anything I can do to help!

Awesome shot too! love the composition and the lighting. ;-) I still can't believe your mom made that dress!

Can't wait to see more!

Stephen Hernandez said...

I'm excited to handle photoshop together! Mr. NSB haha

I'm Kristen said...

oh Yay!!!