Yes, it's true, I skipped part two. I am waiting on those images from the other photographer. this wedding was Sunday night, with the fabulous Brienne Michelle, none other. The wedding was at a beautiful location in Malibu, up in the hills. As I post this I can hear a mouse running around in my band room, I've got to catch that little guy. He ate my chocolate bar in my office this summer while I was away and pooped it out all over my desk. Fortunately mouse droppings are small and easy to clean up, but I'm still saddened over the loss of my chocolate bar.
Anyway, back to the wedding...
Mark and Joy, the bride and groom were so awesome, totally sweet and very servant-oriented. The were so helpful and wonderful to work with. Their flexibility and go-with-the-flow-ness made the whole night fun and relaxed. And on top of that all, they were two of the most photogenic people I've shot.
A Toast!
Everyone danced, especially the crowd from England!
Here is the Groom with his mum.
Cutting the cake
Grandma bustin' a move
Oh yeah, break it down
New Castle is one of my favorites.
Even though I didn't have any, this sight still made me happy.
They played a really fun game at the end of dinner. The DJ said they were playing a game to see who would be doing the chicken dance on the floor. Each table was to pass around a napkin, and when the music stopped, whoever was holding hit was it. It was hilarious to see everyone working so hard not to have the napkin. When the music stopped, they were told to pass the napkin two people to the left, and then after that, to the fourth person on the left. This person was "it", but instead of having to do the chicken dance, they won the centerpiece from the table. This guy was pretty happy with his winnings. =)
Check out those light-up high heels on the groom's mom!
One of my good buddies, Steve Hernandez, has been hiding out at camp all summer. He and I play a game with our camera flashes where we try and flash each other in the eyes. It's tons of fun, and since he's not around, I had to play with Brie, who wasn't nearly as excited about it. =) This is a picture in a mirror of me totally flashing her, (in a very appropriate way).
Thanks Brie, it was tons of fun, as always!!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Hahahahaha! You were supposed to WARN me about that game beforehand so I could have a chance of flashing you back (appropriately...). :)
Thanks for coming with me! It was fun!
I love the cake topper ring thing. That's a cool idea!
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